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Architectural overview1

Once Adeos is running on an operating system, it becomes easy to obtain deterministic real-time behavior from the underlying hardware. On the Linux/ix86 host, this amounts to creating a kernel module that upon loading interacts with Adeos to obtain priority status in the interrupt pipe. Once that is done, it can provide all the deterministic facilities necessary for the operation of real-time tasks.

Since it is capable of recognizing and interacting with Adeos, it should not interfere with Adeos' normal behavior and call any system-modifying instructions. This includes the ix86 cli/sti couple. Rather, it should use the stall/unstall primitives provided by Adeos. This will guaranty that Adeos still has a certain degree of control over all that is happening in the system.

It is possible to have a system where Adeos may have the following 4 stages in its pipeline, starting from stage 0 which is the hardware's interrupt issue:

  1. Real-Time OS
  2. Kernel Debugger
  3. Low-latency driver
  4. Linux kernel

The same thing may be viewed for any BSD derivative:

  1. Real-Time OS
  2. Kernel Debugger
  3. Low-latency driver
  4. BSD Kernel

To offer its services to the real-time tasks, the RTOS may either provide a software- interrupt based facility or enable modules to directly call its services either through call gates or direct calling.

Again this real-time operating system may be built as a kernel module. In future versions of Adeos, it may be foreseeable to enable user-level processes to become domains of their own and have direct access to the hardware as other domains do.

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root 2001-02-15